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Common Father: Common Bond An Appeal to Agnostics and Moderates of all Faiths

This presentation is a call to subtle action: an appeal to those reasonable people—agnostics and the moderates of various faiths—who hold in their hearts the desire for good will toward all of humanity; this is an invitation to those people who know that the social, national, religious, and political divisions keeping our world in conflict are mostly false and constructed by others to control us for their own purposes. This message presents another option for our existence, and different than any other path it puts the power in the individual’s hands and leaves the validation of truth up to the person using the tools they already possess.

I am addressing those people who want to evolve their beliefs, not remain mentally secure by committing to them as perfect and forever lasting. Some people realize that in a universe evolving toward perfection nothing can remain static: everything has to evolve or it will eventually cease to exist, that includes us, our ideas, and the world’s spiritual dogmas and doctrines. The teachings offered herein strip religions and their leaders of their assumed power or claims of divine preference or perfect knowledge, and require each person to review their current religious beliefs in light of a higher revelation of the nature of God and the reality of a loving universe.

While this information has been with us for the last three quarters of a century, bringing it forth in this manner would have had little chance of acceptance five years ago; maybe even one or two years ago. But it seems like our world has shifted, and no, I cannot explain what I mean by that. In some way it seems like time has accelerated, while the revelation of truth across many fields seems to be building on itself in an almost exponential manner. Some people are calling this an awakening. To me it feels more like we are condensing to a point of confrontation where our world will either move into a new era of peace and goodwill among humanity, or it will not and life will become nothing more than survival for many generations to come, while those of us now on Earth will bear the shame of having left our children a legacy of horror unmatched by our ancestors. Bob.