Starting from:


Son of Man: Urantia

Son of Man: Urantia is the story of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, based on Part 4 or the Urantia revelation.


Prologue 17

Earth before Jesus Was Born 19

Chapter 1: Birth and Infancy of Jesus 23

Mary and Joseph: Choosing the Parents 23

Gabriel Appears to Elizabeth 23

Gabriel’s Announcement to Mary 24

Joseph’s Dream 24

Jesus’ Mortal Parents 25

The Home in Nazareth 25

The Trip to Bethlehem 25

Jesus Is Born 26

The Presentation in the Temple 26

Herod Acts 27

Chapter 2: Jesus’ Early Childhood 29

Back in Nazareth 29

The Fifth Year (2 B.C.) 29

The Sixth Year (1 B.C.) 31

The Seventh Year (A.D. 1) 31

School Days in Nazareth 32

Jesus’ Eighth Year (A.D. 2) 33

Chapter 3: Jesus’ Later Childhood 35

Jesus’ Ninth Year (A.D. 3) 35

The Tenth Year (A.D. 4) 36

The Eleventh Year (A.D. 5) 36

The Twelfth Year (A.D. 6) 37

His Thirteenth Year (A.D. 7) 38

The Journey to Jerusalem 38

Chapter 4: Jesus at Jerusalem 41

Jesus Views the Temple 41

Jesus and the Passover 42

Mary and Joseph Leave 42

First and Second Days in the Temple 42

The Third Day in the Temple 43

The Fourth Day in the Temple 43

Chapter 5: Two Crucial Years 45

His Fourteenth Year (A.D. 8) 45

Joseph’s Death 45

The Fifteenth Year (A.D. 9) 46

First Sermon in the Synagogue 47

The Financial Struggle 48


Chapter 6: The Adolescent Years 49

The Sixteenth Year (A.D. 10) 49

The Seventeenth Year (A.D. 11) 49

The Eighteenth Year (A.D. 12) 50

The Nineteenth Year (A.D. 13) 51

Rebecca, Ezra’s Daughter 52

His Twentieth Year (A.D. 14) 53

Chapter 7: Jesus’ Early Manhood 55

The Twenty-First Year (A.D. 15) 55

The Twenty-Second Year (A.D. 16) 55

The Twenty-Third Year (A.D. 17) 56

The Damascus Episode 56

The Twenty-Fourth Year (A.D. 18) 57

The Twenty-Fifth Year (A.D. 19) 57

The Twenty-Sixth Year (A.D. 20) 58

Chapter 8: Jesus’ Later Adult Life 61

The Twenty-Seventh Year (A.D. 21) 61

The Twenty-Eighth Year (A.D. 22) 62

The Twenty-Ninth Year (A.D. 23) 62

The Human Jesus 63

Chapter 9: On the Way to Rome 65

At Joppa: The Talk about Jonah 65

The Talk about Good and Evil 66

At Caesarea 66

At Alexandria 68

The Talk on Reality 69

On the Island of Crete 70

The Young Man Who Was Afraid 71

At Carthage: The Talk about Time and Space 72

On the Way to Naples and Rome 72

Chapter 10: The World’s Religions 75

Cynicism 75

Judaism 75

Buddhism 76

Hinduism 76

Zoroastrianism 76

Jainism 77

Shinto 77

Taoism 77

Confucianism 77

Our Religion 77

Chapter 11: While in Rome 79

True Values 80

Good and Evil 80

Truth and Faith 80

Personal Ministry 81

Counseling the Rich Man 81

Social Ministry 83

Trips about Rome 83


Chapter 12: The Return from Rome 85

Mercy and Justice 85

Catching the Boat at Tarentum 86

At Corinth 86

Personal Work in Corinth 87

At Athens: The Talk on Science 87

At Ephesus: The Talk on the Soul 88

The Stay at Cyprus: The Talk on Mind 88

Chapter 13: The Transition Years 91

The Thirtieth Year (A.D. 24) 91

The Urmia Lectures 91

Sovereignty: The Holding of Supreme

Power and Authority, Divine and Human 92

Political Power and Authority 92

The Thirty-First Year (A.D. 25) 93

The Time on Mount Hermon 93

The Time of Waiting 94

Chapter 14: John the Baptist 97

John Becomes a Nazarite 97

Zacharias’ Death 97

The Life of a Shepherd 98

Elizabeth’s Death 98

The Kingdom of God 98

John Begins to Preach 99

John Journeys North 100

John and Jesus Meet 100

Forty Days of Preaching 101

John Journeys South 102

John in Prison 102

Death of John the Baptist 103

Chapter 15: John Begins to Preach 105

Concepts of the Expected Messiah 105

Jesus’ Baptism 106

The Forty Days 106

Plans for Public Work 107

The Great Decisions 107

Chapter 16: Waiting in Galilee 111

Choosing the First Four Apostles 111

Choosing Philip and Nathaniel 112

The Visit to Capernaum 113

The Wedding at Cana 114

Back in Capernaum 116

The Events of a Sabbath Day 116

Four Months of Training 117

Sermon on the Kingdom 119


Chapter 17: Training the Kingdom’s Messengers 121

Final Instructions 121

Choosing the Six 122

Calling on Matthew and Simon 122

Calling the Twins 123

Calling Judas and Thomas 124

The Week of Intensive Training 124

Another Disappointment 125

The Twelve’s First Work 126

Five Months of Testing 127

Organizing the Twelve 127

Chapter 18: The Twelve Apostles 129

Andrew, the First Chosen 129

Simon Peter 130

James Zebedee 132

John Zebedee 133

Philip the Curious 134

Honest Nathaniel 136

Matthew Levi 137

Thomas Didymus 138

Judas and James Alpheus 140

Simon the Zealot 141

Judas Iscariot 141

Chapter 19: The Ordination of the Twelve 145

Jesus’ First Instructions 146

The Ordination 146

The Ordination Sermon 146

You Are the Salt of the Earth 148

Fatherly and Brotherly Love 149

The Evening of the Ordination 151

The Week Following the Ordination 154

Thursday Afternoon on the Lake 154

The Day of Consecration 158

The Evening after the Consecration 159

Chapter 20: Beginning the Public Work 161

Leaving Galilee 161

God’s Law and the Father’s Will 162

The Stay at Amathus 162

Teaching about the Father 163

Spiritual Unity 164

Last Week at Amathus 165

At Bethany Beyond the Jordan 165

Working in Jericho 167

Departing for Jerusalem 167


Chapter 21: The Passover at Jerusalem 169

Teaching in the Temple 169

God’s Wrath 169

The Concept of God 170

Flavius and Greek Culture 171

The Talk on Assurance 172

The Visit with Nicodemus 173

The Lesson on the Family 174

In Southern Judea 175

Chapter 22: Going Through Samaria 177

Preaching at Archelais 177

The Lesson on Self-Mastery 178

Diversion and Relaxation 179

The Jews and the Samaritans 180

The Woman of Sychar 181

The Samaritan Revival 183

Teaching about Prayer and Worship 184

Chapter 23: At Gilboa and the Decapolis 185

The Gilboa Camp 185

The Talk about Prayer 186

The Believer’s Prayer 187

More about Prayer 188

Other Forms of Prayer 188

Conference with John’s Apostles 191

In the Decapolis Cities 192

In Camp Near Pella 192

Death of John the Baptist 193

Chapter 24: Four Eventful Days at Capernaum 195

A Full Net of Fish 195

Afternoon at the Synagogue 196

The Healing at Sundown 198

The Evening After 199

Early Sunday Morning 200

Chapter 25: First Preaching Tour Through Galilee 203

Preaching at Rimmon 203

At Jotapata 203

The Stop at Ramah 206

The Gospel at Iron 207

Back in Cana 208

Nain and the Widow’s Son 209

At Endor 210

Chapter 26: The Interlude Visit to Jerusalem 211

The Centurion’s Servant 211

The Journey to Jerusalem 212

The Bethsaida Hot Spring 212

The Rule of Living 213

Visiting Simon the Pharisee 214

Returning to Capernaum 216

Back in Capernaum 217

The Feast of Spiritual Goodness 218


Chapter 27: Training Evangelists at Bethsaida 221

A New School of the Prophets 221

The Bethsaida Hospital 222

The Father’s Business 222

Evil, Sin, and Iniquity 222

The Purpose of Affliction 224

Misunderstanding Suffering:

The Talk about Job 225

The Man with the Withered Hand 227

Last Week at Bethsaida 228

Healing the Paralytic 228

Chapter 28: The Second Preaching Tour 231

Jesus’ Fame 231

The People’s Attitude 232

Hostility of the Religious Leaders 234

Teaching Tour Progress 234

The Lesson Regarding Contentment 235

The Fear of the Lord 236

Returning to Bethsaida 237

Chapter 29: The Third Preaching Tour 239

The Women’s Evangelistic Corp 239

The Stop at Magdala 240

Sabbath at Tiberias 240

Sending the Apostle’s Out Two and Two 241

What Must I do to Be Saved? 242

The Evening Lessons 243

The Stay at Nazareth 243

The Sabbath Service 244

The Nazareth Rejection 246

Chapter 30: Resting and Teaching by the Seaside 247

The Parable of the Sower 247

Interpretation of the Parable 248

More about Parables 250

More Parables by the Sea 251

The Visit to Kheresa 252

The Kheresa Lunatic 253

Chapter 31: Events Leading to the Capernaum Crisis 255

At Jairus’ House 256

Feeding the Five Thousand 257

The King-Making Episode 258

Simon Peter’s Night Vision 259

Back in Bethsaida 260

At Gennesaret 261

At Jerusalem 262

Chapter 32: The Crisis at Capernaum 263

Setting the Stage 263

The Epochal Sermon 264

The After Meeting 267

Last Words in the Synagogue 268

The Saturday Evening 269


Chapter 33: Last Days at Capernaum 271

A Week of Counsel 271

A Week of Rest 272

The Second Tiberias Conference 272

Saturday Night in Capernaum 273

The Eventful Sunday Morning 273

Jesus’ Family Arrives 274

The Hasty Flight 276

Chapter 34: Fleeing Through Northern Galilee 277

Why do the Heathen’s Rage? 277

The Evangelists in Chorazin 278

At Caesarea-Philippi 278

On the Way to Phoenicia 279

The Talk on True Religion 280

The Second Talk on Religion 281

Chapter 35: The Stay at Tyre and Sidon 285

The Syrian Woman 285

Teaching in Sidon 286

The Journey Up the Coast 287

At Tyre 287

Jesus’ Teaching at Tyre 288

The Return from Phoenicia 290

Chapter 36: At Caesarea-Philippi 293

The Temple Tax Collector 293

At Bethsaida Julias 294

Peter’s Confession 295

The Talk about the Kingdom 296

The New Concept 297

The Next Afternoon 297

Andrew’s Conference 299

Chapter 37: The Mount of Transfiguration 301

The Transfiguration 301

Coming Down the Mountain 302

Meaning of the Transfiguration 303

The Epileptic Boy 304

Jesus Heals the Boy 305

In Celsus’ Garden 306

Peter’s Protest 307

At Peter’s House 308

Chapter 38: The Decapolis Tour 309

The Sermon on Forgiveness 309

The Strange Preacher 310

Instructions for Teachers and Believers 311

The Talk with Nathaniel 312

The Positive Nature of Jesus’ Religion 314

The Return to Magadan 316


Chapter 39: Rodan of Alexandria 317

Rodan’s Greek Philosophy 317

The Art of Living 319

The Lures of Maturity 320

The Balance of Maturity 321

The Religion of the Ideal 322

Chapter 40: Further Discussions with Rodan 325

The Personality of God 325

Jesus’ Divine Nature 326

Jesus’ Human and Divine Minds 328

Chapter 41: At the Feast of the Tabernacles 329

The Dangers of the Visit to Jerusalem 329

The First Temple Talk 330

The Woman Taken in Adultery 332

The Feast of Tabernacles 333

Sermon on the Light of the World 334

Lesson on the Water of Life 335

The Talk on Spiritual Freedom 335

The Visit with Mary and Martha 337

At Bethlehem with Abner 337

Chapter 42: Ordination of the Seventy at Magadan 339

Ordination of the Seventy 339

The Rich Young Man and Others 340

The Talk about Wealth 342

Farewell to the Seventy 343

Moving the Camp to Pella 344

The Return of the Seventy 345

Preparation for the Last Mission 346

Chapter 43: At the Feast of Dedication 347

Story of the Good Samaritan 347

At Jerusalem 348

Healing the Blind Beggar 348

Josiah before the Sanhedrin 350

Teaching in Solomon’s Porch 352

Chapter 44: The Perean Mission Begins 355

At the Pella Camp 355

Sermon on the Good Shepherd 355

Saturday’s Sermon at Pella 357

Dividing the Inheritance 358

Talks to the Apostles on Wealth 360

Answer to Peter’s Question 361

Chapter 45: Last Visit to Northern Perea 363

The Pharisees at Ragaba 363

The Ten Lepers 364

The Sermon at Gerasa 365

Teaching about Accidents 367

The Congregation at Philadelphia 368


Chapter 46: The Visit to Philadelphia 369

Breakfast with the Pharisees 369

Parable of the Great Supper 370

The Woman with the Spirit of Infirmity 371

The Message from Bethany 371

On the Way to Bethany 373

Blessing the Little Children 374

The Talk about Angels 374

Chapter 47: Resurrecting Lazarus 377

At Lazarus’ Tomb 378

Lazarus’ Resurrection 380

Meeting of the Sanhedrin 381

The Answer to Prayer 381

What Became of Lazarus 382

Chapter 48: Last Teaching at Pella 385

Parable of the Lost Son 385

Parable of the Shrewd Steward 387

The Rich Man and the Beggar 388

The Father and His Kingdom 389

Chapter 49: The Kingdom of Heaven 393

Concepts of the Kingdom of Heaven 393

Jesus’ Idea of the Kingdom 394

In Relation to Righteousness 395

Jesus’ Teaching about the Kingdom 396

Later Ideas of the Kingdom 398

Chapter 50: On the Way to Jerusalem 401

Leaving Pella 402

On Counting the Cost 403

The Perean Tour 404

Teaching at Livias’ 404

The Blind Man at Jericho 405

The Visit to Zaccheus 406

“As Jesus Passed By” 407

Parable of the Pounds 408

Chapter 51: Going into Jerusalem 411

Sabbath at Bethany 411

Sunday Morning with the Apostles 413

The Start for Jerusalem 413

Visiting Around the Temple 415

The Apostles’ Attitude 416

Chapter 52: Monday in Jerusalem 419

Cleansing the Temple 419

Challenging the Master’s Authority 421

Parable of the Two Sons 422

Parable of the Absent Landlord 423

Parable of the Marriage Feast 424


Chapter 53: Tuesday Morning in the Temple 427

Divine Forgiveness 428

Questions by the Jewish Rulers 429

The Sadducees and the Resurrection 429

The Great Commandment 430

The Inquiring Greeks 431

Chapter 54: The Last Talk in the Temple 435

The Talk 435

Status of Individual Jews 438

The Fateful Sanhedrin Meeting 439

The Situation in Jerusalem 439

Chapter 55: Tuesday Evening on Mount Olivet 441

The Destruction of Jerusalem 441

The Master’s Second Coming 442

Later Discussion at the Camp 444

The Return of Michael 446

Chapter 56: Wednesday, the Rest Day 449

One Day Alone with God 449

Early Home Life 450

The Day at Camp 451

Judas and the Chief Priests 452

The Last Social Hour 454

Chapter 57: The Last Day at Camp 457

Talk on Sonship and Citizenship 457

After the Noon Meal 460

On the Way to the Supper 461

Chapter 58: The Last Supper 463

The Desire for Preference 463

Beginning the Supper 464

Washing the Apostles’ Feet 464

Last Words to the Betrayer 466

Establishing the Remembrance Supper 467

Chapter 59: The Farewell Talk 471

The New Commandment 471

The Vine and the Branches 472

The World’s Hostility 473

The Promised Helper 474

The Spirit of Truth 475

The Need for Leaving 477

Chapter 60: Final Warnings 479

Last Words of Comfort 479

Farewell Personal Warning 480

Chapter 61: In Gethsemane 489

The Last Group Prayer 489

Last Hour Before the Betrayal 491

Alone in Gethsemane 493


Chapter 62: Jesus’ Betrayal and Arrest 495

The Father’s Will 495

Judas in the City 496

The Master’s Arrest 497

Discussion at the Olive Press 499

On the Way to the High Priest’s Palace 500

Chapter 63: Before the Sanhedrin Court 501

Annas’ Examination 501

Peter in the Courtyard 502

Before the Sanhedrin Court 504

The Hour of Humiliation 506

The Second Meeting of the Court 507

Chapter 64: The Trial Before Pilate 509

Pontius Pilate 509

Jesus Appears Before Pilate 510

The Private Questioning by Pilate 512

Jesus Before Herod 513

Jesus Returns to Pilate 513

Pilate’s Last Appeal 515

Pilate’s Last Interview 516

Pilate’s Tragic Surrender 517

Chapter 65: Just Before the Crucifixion 519

The End of Judas Iscariot 519

The Master’s Attitude 520

The Dependable David Zebedee 521

Preparation for the Crucifixion 522

Jesus’ Death in Relation to the Passover 523

Chapter 66: The Crucifixion 525

On the Way to Golgotha 525

The Crucifixion 527

Those Who Saw the Crucifixion 528

The Thief on the Cross 529

Last Hour on the Cross 530

After the Crucifixion 531

Chapter 67: The Time of the Tomb 533

Jesus’ Burial 533

Guarding the Tomb 534

During the Sabbath Day 535

The Death on the Cross 536

Lessons from the Cross 537

Chapter 68: The Resurrection 541

The Morontia Transit 541

Jesus’ Material Body 543

The Dispensational Resurrection 544

Discovery of the Empty Tomb 545

John and Peter at the Tomb 547


Chapter 69: Jesus’ Morontia Appearances 549

Heralds of the Resurrection 549

Jesus’ Appearance at Bethany 551

At Joseph’s House 552

Appearance to the Greeks 552

The Walk with Two Brothers 553

Chapter 70: Appearances to the Apostles and Other Leaders 555

The Appearance to Peter 557

First Appearance to the Apostles 557

With the Morontia Creatures 558

The Tenth Appearance: At Philadelphia 558

Second Appearance to the Apostles 559

The Alexandrian Appearance 561

Chapter 71: Appearances in Galilee 563

Appearance by the Lake 563

Visiting with the Apostles in Pairs 564

On the Mount of Ordination 567

The Lakeside Gathering 568

Chapter 72: Final Appearances and Ascension 569

The Appearance at Sychar 570

The Phoenician Appearance 570

Last Appearance in Jerusalem 571

Causes of Judas’ Downfall 572

The Master’s Ascension 573

Peter Calls a Meeting 573

Chapter 73: The Gift of the Spirit of Truth 575

The Pentecost Sermon 575

The Significance of Pentecost 576

What Occurred at Pentecost 578

Beginnings of the Christian Church 581

Chapter 74: After the Pentecost 583

The Greek’s Influence 584

The Roman Influence 585

Under the Roman Empire 586

The European Dark Ages 587

The Modern Problem 588

Materialism 589

The Vulnerability of Materialism 591

Secular Totalitarianism 593

Christianity’s Problem 594

The Future 596

Chapter 75: Jesus’ Faith 599

Jesus: The Man 601

Jesus’ Religion 602

The Supremacy of Religion 604