Starting from:


The Master: Introduction to the Son of Man: Urantia Project

The Master: An Introduction to The Son of Man: Urantia Project


Our Universe

Our Soul, the Gift of Eternal Life, and Our Option to Accept It

Jesus of Nazareth


Fifteen Points of Clarification on God and Religion

  1. True religion
  2. God is love, mercy, and forgiveness
  3. The Golden Rule
  4. The atonement doctrine
  5. The crucifixion
  6. Virgin birth
  7. Violence
  8. On prayer
  9. On intention
  10. By their fruits; The world is a bridge
  11. The devil
  12. Evil, sin, and iniquity
  13. Non-resistance to evil, self-defense, and carrying the pack an extra mile
  14. The second coming of Jesus
  15. Miracles and superhuman events

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